Copyright Law

Copyright Attorney

Another important type of intellectual property law is copyright law. This kind of law protects things like social media posts, social media photographs, music, books and e-books, written education materials, websites, social media info graphics and so much more. Making sure that your creations are protected federally is important to every kind of business no matter how small.

Copyright protection is different from trademark protection, though they can sometimes overlap. It is important to speak with an experienced copyright attorney to understand which type(s) of intellectual property protection your business needs. Contact MarkSetGo to schedule a consultation and learn about the legal services that we offer.

Copyright Registration

Like trademark registration, copyright registration is an affordable way to protect your creations from the very beginning. In the case that you ever do need to file a copyright infringement lawsuit, you will need to show proof of federal copyright registration, so it is best to get that done before any issues arise.

Just like the online trademark registration sites, most are not staffed by licensed attorneys. Instead, they just take the forms you fill out and send them to the copyright office without checking to see if they are correct or not. This can result in hundreds of dollars of extra fees to fix the registration, plus an improperly filed registration which can cause major problems down the line. Save time, money, and hassle by working with a copyright registration lawyer from the very beginning.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses or copies a copyrighted work without the permission of the author or the owner. There are several ways to handle copyright infringement issues including cease-and-desist letters, lawsuits, DMCA notices, and more. MarkSetGo offers non-litigation copyright services to our clients. To learn more about the services we offer and how we can help your business with copyright infringement, call us to schedule a  30-minute consultation with our copyright lawyer.

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA, provides copyright owners with a legal way to protect their intellectual property online. This act applies to all kinds of things posted on the internet like videos, music, pictures, and more. If someone has illegally posted your content online, the DMCA may be a way to get them to remove it. MarkSetGo provides DMCA takedown drafting services. This means that our copyright attorney will write and send a letter to the internet service provider (ISP) or website telling them to take down the infringing content.

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